How many people are really out and proud in Singapore?
1 out of 10 gays? 1 out of 100 gays? Or maybe even less?
Even I myself, can't be 100% certain that I'm proud, even though I'm out.
There are occasions when i hope my closet could still hide me..
There are on-going battles inside each of us.
Our true selves are calling out to be heard while our brains suppress it after considering factors such as discrimination etc.
At the end of the day, many people go back hiding into their prized closets, the facade which they tried so hard to maintain.
After some thoughts about the factors which contributed to the 'closet issue', I've managed to think of the following reasons: Law, Religion, or even both.
As governments of some countries do not wish to 'promote, advocate, endorse, or encourage homosexual behavior', they retained the law which criminalises 'any act of gross indecency' between two male, or sodomy. Though it is hardly enforced in some countries such as Singapore and India, it imposes a bad impression on homosexuality.
Religious wise, for example, Christianity and Islam, they deemed homosexuality to be immoral. Again, it generates an unhealthy attitude towards homosexuals just because of their sexual orientations.
In some Muslim countries such as Iran, where people are very religious, and the government actively enforces their anti-gay laws, the closet is the life of a gay man. Without the closet, your life is as good as gone, unless you are willing to undergo a sex change operation.
There might be more factors, however, these 2 are the main possible factors, which i could think of, that contributed to the higher rate of people being in the closet in different countries as compared to our western counterparts.
The Lesbian, Gay and the Closet
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