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Gay Sex and the City #3


The most common and most used word. Instead of the usual word 'bf' (boyfriend), the community prefers to use LTR (stands for Long Term Relationship) which I felt was representable of us.

But somehow, I think that the word has been over-used and the meaning is gone.

According to most of the dictionary and acronyms website, LTR is straightforward and self-explanatory in its meaning.

In chatrooms and normal chats among friends, people would tend to use LTR as it is direct, straight to the point and may not be understood by the general public.

So what is LTR?
- LTR is an extended word of bf, which means you are supposed to live for long together.
- LTR is not just an ordinary bf.
- LTR is what hetero people call 'vow that we stay together forever'.

There should be a clear distinction between what is LTR and a bf. It seems that people nowadays are blind enough to point out that difference. Some use the word for 'the sake of using it' and end up being hurt or cause hurt to other party.

Okay, I know I am beating around the bush, but I have to emphasise the importance of using the right word in the right context. If you are not ready to commit, settle down, share your feelings, and etc, please please do not use the word LTR. Or really, don't even think of having a bf for yourself. Find a fun buddy or stick to singlehood.